Bagaimana Soya Membantu Pesakit Diabetes / Kencing Manis?

Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah di atas segalanya. Terima kasih ya Allah. Sempena promo ESP bulan ni saya nak cerita pasal ESP. Yela, kenapa hebat sangat ESP Shaklee ni sampai ramai yang bila dah beli mesti akan repeat order!! Betul...tak tumbuh tak melata..tak sungguh saya tak kata!!

Bila orang tanya saya apa bestnya ESP ni, secara jujur saya jawab ESP ni sangat sesuai dengan saya...sebab saya ibu yang menyusukan badan (walau anak dah setahun 11 bulan), saya juga bekerja, balik rumah setiap hari rutin saya melayan anak dalam setengah jam kemudian memasak untuk makan malam. Alhamdulillah dapat suami dan anak-anak yang tidak memilih soal makan. Apa juga saya masak, mereka makan ;) Alhamdulillah sejak ambil ESP ni, rasa bertenaga je sepanjang hari...tiada rasa mengantuk di pejabat walaupun kurang tidur sebab anak asyik menyusu setiap 2 jam. Bangun awal pagi, siapkan sarapan dan sebagainya!!

Ok, kali ini saya nak kongsi bagaimana ESP membantu Pesakit Diabetes atau kencing manis.
Over 16 million Americans have Diabetes, an illness characterized by "high blood sugar" levels (hyperglycemia). Hyperglycemia can lead to premature heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage and poor-healing ulcers on the lower extremities. Many doctors are now recommending soy for diabetics because it addresses 5 major concerns associated with the disease:
  1.  Soy lowers risk of heart disease (the leading killer of diabetics and non-diabetics). Both the FDA and the American Heart Association officially recommend eating more soy to lower cholesterol and heart disease risk. An exciting new study shows soy protein nutrients reduce negative effects of hyperglycemia on LDL cholesterol. Hyperglycemia is known to change "bad" LDL cholesterol into an even worse form of LDL that causes artery-clogging plaques. Soy nutrients can help slow this process down. (1, 2 and 3)
  2. Soy helps maintain kidney health. Consumption of soy protein improves kidney filtration function, and is a recommended protein source for those with Chronic Renal Failure. (4)
  3. Soy promotes healthy eye function in diabetic mice by hindering "diabetic retinopathy" (new blood vessel growth over the retina leading to blindness). This property of soy is called "anti-angiogenesis". (5)
  4. Soy may decrease neuropathic nerve pain associated with diabetes. Hyperglycemia can lead to nerve damage over the years. Recent studies show that soy protein reduces nerve related pain. (6)
  5. Soy protein is great for weight loss. (7) Insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetics is often improved with weight reduction and may even completely disappear with adequate weight loss.

In summary, the medical data suggests that all diabetics can benefit tremendously with the simple addition of soy protein to their diets. The FDA, American Heart Association, and leading health experts recommend public to eat more soy protein to lower their cholesterol, protect their hearts, and reduce menopausal symptoms. New research shows that eating soy is associated with stronger bones, reduced menstrual disturbances like PMS, and reduced risk of breast, endometrial and prostate cancer. Studies also show soy helps you lose weight by blocking storage of fat.
Sumber rujuk sini

Boleh cuba ye, sebab saya ada pelanggan yang ambil ESP untuk kurus. Selepas ambil ESP dalam sebulan, masa buat pemeriksaan kesihatan kandungan gula dalam badan cantik je. Beliau pelik sebab sebelum-sebelum ni memang kandungan gula lebih tambahan beliau sendiri keturunan pesakit kencing manis.

Bagaimana ESP membantu? 
Kerana ESP adalah  rendah  lemak dan  bebas laktosa dan kolesterol.

Berminat dengan ESP? Boleh hubungi saya untuk pesanan dan pertanyaan sempena ESP Promo ni!! Nak tahu Combo ESP?

Wardah Mustapa
SMS/Whatsapp : 0193305476

Peringatan bersama : Kita perlu berusaha untuk sihat. Disamping berusaha, perlu seiring dengan doa kepadaNya

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